Just CLOSED – Financing Secured on Purchase

We have secured financing on this beautiful Condominium Unit in West Hollywood. Value of the property at $505,000. We have certainly seen the trend in 2017 with us moving more towards a buyers market. Slowly, but surely, this will likely continue. Contact us directly at 213-330-4247 or send an email to koorosh@masihifinancial.com the next time you or your client is in the market to buyContinue readingJust CLOSED – Financing Secured on Purchase

Just CLOSED – Financing Secured on Purchase

We have recently secured a loan on the purchase of this property located in Claremont, California. Value of the home was $655,000. Thus far in 2017, we’ve estimate that 80% to 90% of all mortgages we secure, will be purchase loans. It’s proof that the trend in today’s market is slowly moving towards a buyers market & the surest indicator of that would be higherContinue readingJust CLOSED – Financing Secured on Purchase

RECENTLY CLOSED – Financing Secured on Purchase

We recently secured financing on this purchase. Just north of Beverly Glen Blvd in Los Angeles. This house was purchased for $70,000 less than appraised value. Thus far, in 2017, we’ve noticed the trend of higher leverage for our borrowers, and this is evidence of that trend. Regardless of what some might say, a higher interest rate market will always be more beneficial to theContinue readingRECENTLY CLOSED – Financing Secured on Purchase

Financing Secured on Three Purchases

To start the New Year – We’ve already secured three mortgages on three individual purchases. Regardless of what you may hear, a higher interest rate market will stabilize home prices and turn 2017 into a buyers market. The proof is in the work.Ā #mortgagelendingĀ #mortgagebroker Contact us directly at 213-330-4247 or send an email to koorosh@masihifinancial.com the next time you or your client is in the marketContinue readingFinancing Secured on Three Purchases